Live Stream Whale Wars Season 4 Episode 10,11,12 Delivering the Final Blow
Whale Wars Season 4 Episode 10,11,12 Delivering the Final Blow, Airing: August 12, 2011 9:00 PM on Animal Planet. This stunning and dangerous limited series spotlights both the controversial Japanese whaling trade and the tactics that the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and its staff and volunteers use to cripple it.
Previous Story: The exhausted Shepherds wrap up the initial leg of their campaign the Steve Irwin is tipped off to the location of the Nisshin Maru. As the first leg of their campaign comes to a close, the Sea Shepherds battle physical and mental exhaustion, especially pilot Chris Aultman. Thanks to an anonymous tip, the Steve Irwin finally locates the whalers' factory ship, the Nisshin Maru.
The Bob Barker and Gojira launch an ambitious assault on the harpoon ship that has been following them and manage to completely disable the whaling vessel. Now free of its tail, the Barker continues searching for their ultimate target, the Nisshin Maru. The Sea Shepherds finally locate the factory vessel after months of searching, but it promptly tries to evade the Gojira. After months of grueling searching, the Sea Shepherd's have found their ultimate target, the whaler's factory vessel. But the behemoth factory ship is intent on escaping from the carbon-fiber Gojira in the deadly Antarctic ice.
Now Episode Final: An exciting crash course on the Sea Shepherds' last four Antarctic campaigns, that chronicles the explosive battles that have led up to the season finale of Whale Wars and highlights the most unbelievable moments on the Antarctic seas. In the fourth-season finale, Watson claims a major victory after 30 years of fighting, while he and the crew reaffirm their commitment to stopping the whaling fleet. Captain Paul Watson's crew of volunteers refuses to back down from the whalers, vowing to follow the fleet to the ends of the earth. Finally, after 30 years, Watson sees his life's work paid off with the ultimate victory. Journalist Lisa Ling sits down with Captain Paul Watson and five of your favorite Sea Shepherds to dig deeper into the historic campaign that led to Japan's whaling fleet quitting their season early.