Live Stream Rescue Me Season 7 Episode 4
Rescue Me Season 7 Episode 4 Brownies, Airing: August 3, 2011 10:00 PM on FX. A dramedy that centers on the inner workings of Engine 62, a New York City firehouse, and the personal and emotional battles of its members in a post-9/11 world. The show focuses on Tommy Gavin, the senior firefighter whose life is in turmoil as he copes with the stresses and fears of his job as well the separation from his wife Janet.
Previous Episode: Sheila and Janet join forces and shake-up Tommy's family life. The seventh (and final) season begins with Tommy's family life being shaken up by Sheila and the pregnant Janet, who are now best friends. ("We bonded," Sheila says.) Meanwhile, Black Shawn wants to take his relationship with Colleen to the next level; Mickey and Teddy go into business together and Damien is still in a chair in the wake of his on-the-job accident.
Tommy responds emotionally when he learns about a 9/11 documentary featuring Jimmy Keefe. He also runs into Kelly (Maura Tierney), who has disquieting news. Meanwhile, Lou faces his FDNY physical with trepidation (and a little help from his friends). The guys go stir crazy waiting for a job Lou fakes his physical a news team memorializes Jimmy, Tommy is saved by an unfamiliar face.
Tommy puts an end to Kelly's dull date and to his spell of uselessness. Lou becomes godfather Colleen finds a dress, Tommy sits down for his interview. Colleen gets some sage advice from Mike and makes an offer to Teddy that Tommy is not likely to like; Tommy tells Kelly about the ghosts in his life and makes an offer to Lou, who also gets a stiff dose of tough love from the guys, who want him to diet. Meanwhile, Chief Feinberg remains alternately distant and combative and Tommy decides to sit for an interview for the 9/11 TV documentary.
Now episode: Tommy's 9/11 interview airs, with predictably combustible results; Sean goes out with Emily (Cody Horn), the bridal-shop clerk; Kelly gets the results of her blood test; and preparations for Black Shawn and Colleen's wedding hit a snag. Meanwhile, Lou's reading list includes "The Celery Bible."