Big Brother (US) Season 13 Episode 5
9:00 PM on CBS. Nominations for eviction are revealed. After evading eviction on Thursday, Rachel won the Head of Household competition and may seek revenge on "The Brigade" for putting her up against her showmance-mate, Brendon. Find out who Rachel nominates in this episode and also who will be eating slop for the week. Also, the HouseGuests learn who the saboteur was.
With the new Head of Household, Ronnie, in power, will the "Brains" decide to honor their alliance with the "Athletes" and nominate two HouseGuests from the "Populars" or "Off-Beats" or will be see a further divide between the Brains/Athletes alliance? Also, a luxury competition determines who will be able to see a preview of a new movie.
The second set of nominations were made following Thursday's first eviction and second Head of Household competition. Nomination day arrives, and Head of Household Marvin begins his deliberations. After a quick consultation with three of the Four Horsemen (not Michael), and a sit-down with Adria, Marvin calls the Nomination Ceremony to order. He makes a brief speech about how his nominations reflect the strength of the players he has nominated and begins the ceremony by removing Diane's key. After all of the keys but two are removed, his decision is obvious: Marvin has nominated Lori and Holly for eviction.
The tumultous first nine days are recapped as the HouseMates determine who should leave: Amanda or Jee. Nomination Ceremony Karen's husband comments on what his wife has been saying in the house. Art Manteris (Las Vegas Oddsmaker) gives his opinion on who will win. The House discusses Julie Chen. George & Brittany never heard of her before, but Jamie educates them about Julie. After the results are revealed, a debate about who voted for who occurs.