Big Brother 13 Season 13 Episode 9 - Veto Competition #2
July 27, 2011 9:00 PM on CBS. Strangers living together in a camera-filled house attempt to win $500,000 by being the last one standing after three months of confinement in the 13th installment of the reality series. Featured three "Dynamic Duos" from previous seasons returning to play again. This also resulted all the other HouseGuests to pair in duos as well for the first four weeks. A new element into the game called the Golden Key awards the nominee safe after the live eviction a key to the Top 10. This means this HouseGuest skips all competitions and is exempt from evictions until the end of Week 4.
Prev episode: A brand new set of HouseGuests returns for Big Brother's 13th season over the course of the summer of 2011. Also four pairs of past Big Brother "doubles" return. The HouseGuests are forced to play the game as "couples". The first Head of Household, Rachel, nominates her first set of HouseGuests. The HouseGuests also competed in the first "Have or Have Not" competition of the summer.
Following Rachel's nomination of Porsche and Keith for eviction, the three of them and three others vie for the Power of Veto. During the first live show of the summer of 2011, the first HouseGuest, either Keith or Porsche, is evicted from the Big Brother 13 house. Following the live eviction, the second Head of Household competition is held. Following Jordan's win in the second Head of Household competition, she must nominate one duo for eviction. Also, the HouseGuests competed in the second "Have or Have Not" competition of the summer.
Head of Household, Jordan, and her partner, Jeff, via for the power of veto against the two nominees, Dominic and Adam, and one other couple. Following the power of veto competition, the second veto ceremony is held. One of the replacement nominees, either Shelly or Cassi, becomes the second HouseGuest evicted from the Big Brother 13 house. Following the live eviction, the third Head of Household competition is held. After winning the third Head of Household competition, Rachel, must nominate two fellow HouseGuests for eviction. The HouseGuests compete in the first Luxury Competition of the summer.
Now episode: The Power of Veto competition is held. And for more complete you can watch it directly on the CBS at 9:00 PM.